Unstoppable Love

Ditch the doubt and heal Relationship Anxiety & ROCD

My mind was spiraling, my stomach sank...

...and breaking up seemed like the only answer.

Long before I was a relationship anxiety coach, I used to be a professional doubter.

In my relationships I would obsess...

"Am I settling? Am I really attracted to my partner? Do I love them enough? Am I making a big mistake?"

Or the coin would flip and I'd panic, "does my partner really love me? What if they leave me or cheat on me?"

All I wanted was peace, happiness and confidence in my relationship, myself and my choices... without lying to myself or hearing that I had to leave my partner.

After years of searching for answers, I finally cracked the code and found freedom.

I realized that all of this anxiety was truly my soul's journey back home to my authentic self... the part of me who knows I'm always safe and doesn't need to leave a healthy relationship to prove it.

Today I'm overjoyed, grateful and loving life with my incredible partner. (Even though we ain't perfect!) I know they're my person and trust my choices in every area of life.

I'm relaxed, calm and feel genuinely excited for the future. I trust my partner and feel unconditionally loved no matter what.

Now I guide my clients through Unstoppable Love, the proven holistic program that empowers you to trust your choices, enjoy your relationship, feel safe and confident, and fall in love with every area of your life.

No matter how long or intense your doubts have been, freedom really is possible. Even if your situation seems different. Even if you've done inner work before.

Join Unstoppable Love now and see how GOOD life gets on the other side of fear.

(Keep scrolling for full program details.)

Samara Lane


What clients are saying...

Do you keep wondering:

  • Is my partner right for me?
  • Am I settling or making the wrong choice?
  • Do I really love my partner?
  • What if I'm not attracted to my partner?


  • Am I enough?
  • Does my partner really love me?
  • What if my partner cheats or leaves me?
  • Is this a red flag? Where is it really coming from?

You're in the right place...

There are whole new worlds of happiness, secure love and REAL intimacy waiting for you on the other side.

One of my clients (who was an OCD therapist herself) once said it best...

"Relationship anxiety is hands down the most complex form of anxiety to move through."

You want to work with a highly specialized expert who's gone through this themselves, fully recovered and knows exactly what works from years of helping hundreds of others do the same.

The same client also said:

"Working with Samara has been the most transformative and healing thing I’ve ever done for my ROCD. I had my doubts (of course, that’s probably the biggest reason why we’re here!) and I can say, now at the other end, it is possible to find freedom!"

This is possible for you, too.

Here's how...

Unstoppable Love

The proven program to take you from "idk..." to "F yeah!" in your relationship.

  • Stop spiraling and break free from the fearful patterns that are keeping you stuck.
  • Truly enjoy your partner and relationship from a place of calm confidence and deep-in-your-bones trust.
  • Love and accept yourself as you transcend all fear.
  • Trust your choices and feel present, confident and peaceful in life.
  • All while honoring your truth and without hearing that you have to leave your partner.

Healing Relationship Anxiety or ROCD with the partner you already have is NOT too good to be true.

In over 5+ years of coaching people all over the world, each with their own unique background and concerns, I've never once seen an exception. Happiness is possible and you are never truly stuck.

"I'm so grateful to Samara. She had a way with helping me that led to amazing breakthroughs. In thirty days we got engaged! I was able to move through things that were groundbreaking, giving us a marriage that I couldn't even dream of.

I’d been struggling with this problem for years. Some of the issues and thoughts I often had were “Do I know what I am doing?”, “Does my partner really like me?”, and “Is this the right relationship?” I had become driven and overrun by my anxiety and doubt.

The results have been amazing and actually life-changing. I am cutting the anxiety off before it even starts. I am able to be 100% present and go into my relationship in a new way. I can face my fears. I am now much stronger, more aware and free. I am so thankful. My life and my relationship will forever be changed in the best way."

— Kandysse C.

"From the bottom of my heart, thank you!! I have been in and out of therapy for so long but never made a connection to my past like this. Thank you so much for helping me and my relationship. You’re saving us!"

— Michelle L.

"Samara is a skillful and authentic coach. Through her probing questions and keen ability to catch repeating themes, I was able to quickly make headway into discovering my obstacles. I highly recommend this amazing woman."

Elisa W.


The Signature Unstoppable Love Program gives you...

  • 8 private coaching calls. We'll deep dive together one-on-one and heal your relationship anxiety/ROCD from the root. Sessions are 1 hour each on Zoom. We do 4 weekly calls, then 4 every-other-week calls, over 3 months. (You're welcome to request a different frequency if preferred.) This deep dive support is a no-brainer investment in your happiness and peace of mind.
  • Lifetime access to the Unstoppable Love course. This is my proven step-by-step system for holistically healing all forms of relationship anxiety & ROCD. This signature course includes every powerful tool, video and resource you need for genuine freedom. Broken down into simple digestible steps, it's self-paced with lifetime access so you can revisit it anytime. These are the same principles & steps that have worked for me and my clients time and time again, with a 5+ year success record and going strong.
  • 3 months of open Q&A support. Hosted in our private, clients-only Facebook group. Ask me anything and get personalized support between calls (for those "oh $#*!" moments.) You're never alone or stuck spinning your wheels.
  • VIP community. Connect with other members who truly get you in this safe, clients-only online community. You’re not alone in this anymore.

SALE Limited Time Only:

$1,999 $1500 USD total

or x3 pmts of $555/mth

"I'd been struggling with relationship anxiety for 2 years. Some of the issues/thoughts I used to have were thinking my partner was not the one, that I would be happier with someone else, and that the right partner would just know exactly how to love me the way that I always wanted! I used to feel weighted down by uncertainty and panic, even after getting engaged, for fear of missing out on something greater, and whether this was really the man I was supposed to marry. 

Through Samara's coaching, I learned how to change the beliefs and negative thought patterns I had about my partner and our relationship.  I learned how to ask for what I need and to identify root causes and emotions during conflict.  Samara broke down tools for success by teaching me how to understand different perspectives, and by unlocking my intuitive knowing, and adapting a growth mindset within my relationship, I was able to break out of persistent fears and cycles of destructive relationship patterns.  

I had major ah-ha's about learning how the mind feeds us information that is often untrue, and thoughts are not always reality. I no longer saw our differences in styles of communication and personality traits as gigantic problems, but as differences that needed to be understood and appreciated. I discovered where my fears were coming from, how to break free of what my mind was telling me, and how to manage realistic and healthy expectations to feel deeply fulfilled.  

The results have been undeniable. We are a different couple now. We have learned how to fulfill each other’s needs better and listen and appreciate each other more deeply.  And now I'm feeling so loved, genuinely happy, and at peace! I truly feel understood and cherished. I look forward to our future together and have fallen more deeply in love, all over again, and believe he is my happily ever after."

Michelle L.

"I have worked with other coaches in the past, and I can say without reservation that Samara is the cream of the crop. If you’re serious about growth in your life, hire this woman yesterday."

— Lauren C.

"Samara is deeply connected when holding space for you. She will take you right to the edge of your comfort zone and hold you there, until you are ready to take the leap (that you really want to take) in order to make a change in mindset and action."

Jamie J.

"I'm loving the practice you shared and it led to a breakthrough today with our relationship. I can't thank you enough."

Laura A.

"She helps you put things in perspective and redirects if you tend to get into destructive loops. I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to resolve concerns in their relationship with their partner."

Deeann G.

"I couldn't say enough good things about Samara and how her coaching has changed my life. She is absolutely amazing!"

Laura R.


You’ll know how to commit to your partner with confidence, live your life from the right place, and have everything you need to enjoy a healthy relationship that lasts.

The Proven Step-By-Step System

Emotional & Mental

  • Start at the root for true healing. Discover where this really comes from and work through any limiting beliefs, inner wounds or old patterns so you stop feeling stuck and afraid.
  • Whether you struggle with doubts or full-blown Relationship Anxiety / ROCD, you’ll learn how to find peace from the intrusive thoughts, stop doing compulsions and manage triggers effectively.
  • Regulate your nervous system and take charge of your mindset so you can restore your natural birthright of peace, confidence and security.

Behavioral & Spiritual

  • Deeply trust yourself and love yourself, creating a felt sense of safety and unshakeable centeredness. Anxiety doesn't run the show anymore.
  • Discover how you're naturally wired, your innate gifts as a Highly Sensitive Person and practice effective self-care.
  • Take practical steps that foster resilience, confidence and secureness and learn to stop doing the things that keep you stuck.


  • Bust the myths! Stop falling prey to relationship falsehoods and cultural taboos so that you can live authentically in a stable, loving partnership.
  • Take your communication skills to a whole new level and watch your relationship transform before your eyes.
  • Adopt a fresh understanding of the nature of relationship challenges - and the solutions that work - so your relationship stays truly unstoppable.

Discover how good it feels to relax into your relationship and know you've already found your person.


Should you complete the first 3 program modules and attend your scheduled coaching calls and find that it's not the right fit, I'll happily refund you the remainder of the program. This is because I'm SO confident that when you show up and do the work, you will see results!

I know what it’s like to already feel “on the fence” about your relationship, so I’ve taken all the risk out of this one ahead of time. Start now risk-free.


What if my "truth" is that this relationship isn't right for me?

This is a common question, and you can breathe now! The fact is, healing doesn't make you realize that you've chosen the wrong partner. Healing allows you to trust your choices and feel more of the inner peace that you may have only gotten rare glimpses of until now. If this is still a concern, don't let it stop you! Let's discuss it more together on a free Clarity Call. I’ve got your back and you're not alone in this anymore.

What if I'm already engaged or married?

Whether you’re engaged, a newlywed or have been married for years, this program is for you. Relationship anxiety & ROCD can start at any time or life stage. For some people it comes on strong, seemingly out of nowhere or from a triggering event. For others it’s always been lingering in the background of their mind. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s time to take back your personal power.

What if I'm in a newer relationship?

Relationship anxiety & ROCD can start at any time or life stage. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together or how old you are. Even if you and your partner have no plans to get married, if you’re serious about having a happy, healthy, long-term relationship, this program is for you.

What if my partner isn't on board?

What’s the cost to your relationship — and the impact on your partner — if you don’t get the support you need? Not to mention, how much does it cost to get married (or divorced)? Relationship anxiety & ROCD aren't something we can shrug off or ignore. It doesn't just "go away" with time. The good news is, when you follow what’s in your highest good, it supports the highest good of everyone. (Your partner included!)

What if I live outside the US?

No worries! We'll find a schedule that works for your time zone. Our private Zoom coaching calls can take place from anywhere in the world. All videos, exercises and materials are in digital online format.

How is this different from therapy or other programs?

Instead of lingering in the past or making diagnoses, we’ll focus on holistic healing and the forward-moving actions that give you the best results. This program also includes unlimited weekday support in the clients-only online group, and lifetime access to my proven step-by-step system for breaking free. All the support you get in Unstoppable Love is unlike any other program or therapy out there.

How much does it cost?

Scroll up for full program details, pricing and everything that's included.

How long does the program take to complete?

3 months is typical. You’ll get massive support and clarity from every coaching call and exercise, so clients typically start seeing a difference within a matter of weeks (often less.) Plus, you get lifetime access to all the videos and materials, so you can revisit this powerful step-by-step process anytime.

How much time does it take per week?

While it varies by individual, I recommend spending about 2 hours per week on the videos/exercises (in addition to our coaching calls.) If life happens and you ever fall behind, no worries! You have lifetime access to all the videos, exercises and materials.


You already know what it’s like to live with relationship anxiety / ROCD...

There are good days, but there are also days when you question the entire future of your life. No matter how many articles you read, friends you confide in, or videos you binge-watch, you still find yourself doubting.

The good news? Peace and clarity are available to you now.

You deserve to relax into the safety and knowing that you've already found your person and life is working out for you no matter what.

Do yourself the biggest favor you'll never regret: commit to breaking the cycle of fear and let the goodness unfold. Your future self — and your partner — will thank you for it!

If you're still reading, it's because you've either tried all the things and they haven’t worked, or you have no idea where to start. Let's save you years of pain and struggle right now.

Please don’t wait.

I only accept a handful of clients at a time, so now is your chance to break free from Relationship Anxiety & ROCD once and for all.

If you’re still unsure, ask yourself...

By staying stuck, are you really living the life you want?

Breaking up doesn't cure relationship anxiety or ROCD. Time doesn't fix it either. So what are you waiting for?

Join me in Unstoppable Love and feel the freedom of trusting in yourself, your relationship and your life.

P.S. Program spots are limited and fill up on a first come first serve basis, so make sure to jump on this now if you feel the pull!