Transcend Fear + Restore Self-Trust

through Soul & Spirit

Relationships, Business & Manifestation for Modern Empaths

If you're a sensitive empath, intuitive, or recovering overthinker...

And you're ready to:

  • Trust yourself, your choices and manifest all that you desire from a place of worthiness and ease
  • Break free from all forms of fear, anxiety, doubt and restore inner peace + rock solid confidence
  • Heal relationship anxiety, insecurities or commitment fears + feel confident and content in your relationships and love
  • Release overwhelm and become crystal clear on your life purpose so you can unleash all forms of creativity, wealth & abundance
  • Bust through limiting beliefs & imposter syndrome + discover your aligned strategy to skyrocket your business/soul work
  • Connect deeply with your Soul, intuition & spirituality in a trauma-informed way so you can flow through each day with Divine ease
  • Heal past wounds, reparent your inner child and truly love & accept yourself

This is for you.

As a sensitive empath, you think and feel more deeply than most. You sense more. You hold more. You experience more. You expand more.

This is your superpower, but it also depletes you.

We live in a world that needs your unique gifts, but doesn’t always know how to support you. 

Alignment Unleashed has all the loving support, coaching, programs + tight community you need... to break free from fear & doubt and restore the ease, confidence and JOY of your Soul.

This is where magic meets self-worth...

Where manifestation meets self-love.

You're tired of playing a never-ending game of worry whack-a-mole. If you're not worrying about your relationships or life's work, then you're fretting about your finances, body or kids.

You're ready to break free from overwhelm, fear and analysis paralysis so you can live from a space of calm, ease and flow no matter what.

You want more out of life. You want to unlock deep fulfillment and profound purpose, where you feel divinely aligned on your unique path.

Would you love to...

  • Feel calm, peaceful and present all day long because your mindset and energy are so blissfully aligned?
  • Trust yourself and your decisions, knowing that everything is working out and you're on the perfect life path for you?
  • Feel confident in yourself and thrive in your relationships & soul work worry-free?
  • Call in the financial abundance and prosperity that's always seemed out of reach?
  • Truly love yourself, feel amazing in your mind, body & Soul and finally relax into the knowing that you're already enough?
  • Release negative stories and emotions so that you never have to berate yourself or feel riddled with guilt again?
  • Move out of your head and back into your heart, so you can relax and enjoy the peace, presence and certainty of who you truly are?
  • Tap into your inner guidance, follow your divine path and create the life you've always wanted?
  • Have WAY more time and energy for your creativity, passions and enjoying the present moment with those you love?
  • And finally, are you an action taker who's serious about showing up and committed to creating transformation and happiness in your life?

Then Alignment Unleashed is for you.

Discover how to use your own secret superpowers to tap into the unlimited peace, confidence and happiness of who you truly are.

Hi! I'm Samara

As a little girl I thought I was different... in a bad way. 

I felt weak and weird for being sensitive, quick to cry and afraid of what seemed like everything. 

My self-esteem suffered and I constantly worried what other people thought of me. 

I tried my best to please others and be a “good girl."

In my teens it only got worse with self-destructive behaviors and trauma wounds. 

I flip-flopped from “good girl” to “tough chick” in a misguided attempt to hide my sensitive nature.

As an adult, this war within myself led me to drink everyday just to calm my thoughts and cope with life.

I felt constantly stressed about a job that I didn’t love.

I was terrified of commitment and felt unworthy in relationships.

I felt deeply unfulfilled and disconnected from my higher purpose in life.

I struggled in social situations, always comparing myself to others.

It was exhausting and downright crippling.

I went searching for answers until it finally dawned on me…

I had anxiety! 

It helped to put a name to it, but then the shame monster came in. Was I defective? Was something wrong with me? 

I didn’t WANT to have anxiety. How could I make it go away for good?

I tried almost every self-help tool under the sun, simplified the most essential steps and felt so much better...

But something was missing.

That’s when I realized the truth.

There was absolutely NOTHING broken or wrong with me.

I was just a sensitive soul (aka highly intuitive & empathic) who'd learned to stuff and reject who she really was to fit into a world that didn’t understand her.

Anxiety wasn’t a defect to get rid of as quickly as possible…

Negative emotions like anxiety were actually my superpower - my inner compass - telling me that I had fallen out of alignment with my Soul and into the rules, restrictions and “shoulds” that my mind thought I had to live by.

But the Soul doesn't do “shoulds.”

Our Souls only know love, compassion, trust, faith and unlimited abundance.

By simply remembering that doubt and anxiety are an invitation to reconnect with Soul, I discovered how simple it can be to shift out of the vibration of fear (the mind) and back into the vibration of love (your Soul.)

This was the piece I’d always been missing.

This is the truth that will set you free.

Now I’m able to calm my nervous system, regulate my emotions, stay in charge of my mindset, manifest every desire and dream that lights me up, AND…

I do it all while playing by MY rules.

I live, love and create from Soul state. Life gets to be so damn fun!

  • I’ve found my calling and I get to wake up and do my life’s work everyday.
  • I feel confident in myself, my choices and my relationship with my partner.
  • I'm able to use my innate gifts (that we all possess) to create my own reality and literally bring my desires to life.
  • Best of all, I deeply love and accept myself. I live and breathe gratitude.

This is what my clients are doing, right now, inside Alignment Unleashed.

Your highly sensitive nature is your greatest gift.

You’re a knower, feeler, creative, empath, intuitive. You're a powerful, infinite being. 

You’ve been put on this Earth to do great things… but NOT by anyone else’s rulebook.

This is why Soul has led you here today. It’s no accident that you’re reading this right now. 

You're ready to embody your Divinity and become unstoppable.

If you'd love a mentor and a pathway to take you there, this is it.

In Alignment Unleashed, I help you unlock your wisdom + come home to your highest self...

So you can transform into the happiest, freest, next level version of you now.

I can't wait to work with you in this expanded way!

xoxo, Samara

What clients are saying

The one program that has it all

Think of this as your one-stop, all-access pass for overcoming any form of fear, anxiety or doubt so you can enjoy wild success in your:

  • Business & soul work
  • Relationships & love
  • Self-love & self-acceptance
  • Creativity & passion
  • Money & manifestation

In addition to live support + our exclusive community, get every course & masterclass you need:

7 Core Trainings:

  • The Truth About Anxiety + Meet Your Authentic Self
  • The ALIGN Method
  • Overcome Pitfalls + Live As Your Authentic Self
  • Emotional Alignment Tools for Relief & Healing You Can Feel
  • Mental Alignment Tools to Transform Your Thoughts & Beliefs
  • Physical & Behavioral Alignment for Inner Peace & Lasting Change
  • Tying It All Together + Live & Trust From Soul State

Bonus Courses:

No matter what area of life you're ready to transform, we've got you covered.

Join Now

What you get:

  • Lifetime access to the ALIGN Method course. The proven system to heal and transcend all forms of fear, doubt, anxiety + restore self-trust through connection to Soul.
  • Lifetime access to all BONUS courses & masterclasses. Deep dive trainings to help you overcome relationship anxiety, start or grow your online business, make confident choices, strengthen your intuition, love and accept yourself + more.
  • Lifetime access to all LIVE monthly masterclasses. We cover a juicy new topic each month based on what members are asking for. Includes open Q&A coaching!
  • Lifetime access to our members-only community where you can connect with other members and ask questions to our safe, loving group anytime.
  • 6 months of unlimited Q&A support from me whenever you post inside our online group. I'll personally respond to any questions you have around your relationships, business and life.


or x6 payments of $99/month.


(All prices are in USD.)

These offers won't last long. Join now.

Alignment Unleashed is the one-of-a-kind program that takes you from stuck to supercharged in love, soul work and life:

  • Wake up in the morning and feel excited to jump into your day, like you've just won the lottery by simply being you.
  • Unlock your spiritual alignment so that you can embrace your inner guidance, trust yourself and follow your divine path in every area of life.
  • Stop feeling paralyzed by fear, worry and mental overwhelm.
  • Cut out the compulsions and coping mechanisms that are only perpetuating the cycle and making you feel worse.
  • Live from a space of flow and be truly present in the moment, so that everything you do feels easier and more fun.
  • Watch as opportunities fall into your lap and nothing seems to rock your peace or confidence anymore.
  • Make decisions quickly and confidently. You never have to regret a decision again.
  • Heal any wounds or old patterns and feel what it's like to embody true freedom.
  • Let go of the fears and blocks that have been stopping you and embrace the next level version of who you truly are.
  • Experience pure joy, prosperity and peace of mind!

I f you're serious about transformation, this is a no-brainer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I sign up?

Expect a Welcome Email within 24 business hours that gives you ALL the access links, dates and details you'll need to get the most out of this incredible program. You're going to be AMAZED by the personalized support and attention that you receive in this group, even as it continues to grow!

When does it begin?
You'll get full program access as soon as you sign up (welcome email arrives within 24 business hours or less.)

When are the monthly masterclasses?

The once-monthly masterclasses typically take place on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm UK time. Can't make it live? No problem! You'll have lifetime access to it on your member site, so you can watch or revisit it anytime.

Is this for me?
Here's how to know for sure. Do you have ANY type of fear, anxiety or self-doubt? Would you love to BECOME the next level version of you who doesn't feel stuck or unsure anymore? Would you love to create & embody everything you desire in life? Then yes, ABSOLUTELY this program is for you! Just think of what you could accomplish without all that overthinking slowing you down.

Still unsure?

Ask yourself... Have you already gone back and forth 9324357 times on whether to do this program? That’s all the proof you need to know that Alignment Unleashed is EXACTLY what you're needing most and it’s seriously going to change your life. You’re sooo done with overthinking and ready to trust your choices. Alignment Unleashed will help you do this and so much more!

Join now

This is more than transcending anxiety…

This is unlimited prosperity in your business & soul work, deep love & connection in your relationships, and mind-blowing levels of confidence and clarity in every inch of your life.

Imagine who you would naturally become if you didn’t engage with fear or self-doubt anymore.

Imagine what you could create from that space of open-hearted trust and inner peace.

Imagine the ripple effect on your relationships, family, income, creativity, and the depth of enjoyment in every moment of your life.

This is what miracles are made of.

This is what’s available to you right now.

If it feels aligned, trust that pull.


Now is the time and Alignment Unleashed is for you.

I know this program will change your life and I'm so looking forward to working with you in this expanded way!